The Random Thoughts of Doc J

A collection of random thoughts from a "Red" American in the heart of "Deep Blue" territory. Commentary on national events, as well as the occasional thought regarding the goings-on in the People's Republic, I mean Commonwealth, of Massachusetts.

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Location: Eastern, Massachusetts, United States

Monday, January 31, 2005

"The State" as Pimp

What in Heaven's name is going on in Germany?

A recent story from across the pond points to the logical answer to the question, "What would happen if socialists and secularists ever got their hands on Welfare Reform?"

That answer, if The Telegraph is to believed, is that the government would become a pimp.

Now, I hope that one need not be a right-wing moralizer to believe the idea of the government of an allegedly western, liberal, enlightened people forcing women into the sex trade to be a distasteful, if not disgraceful, thought. Right?

And yet, here we are. When the walls between morals and policy are eliminated, when we are no longer allowed to use morals - or even the traditional norms of decency - to judge behaviours, when no one's "career choice" is to be regarded in moral terms, we are left with the situation whereby we read that a 25-year old, unemployed IT-professional is being told BY THE STATE that she either must work in a brothel (where she will be paid to have sex, seemingly against her will, with strangers) or risk losing her unemployment benefits.

What a nightmare for this poor woman. Regardless of how we feel about the welfare state, particluarly in places like Germany - which has turned unemployment into careers for generations of people - I'm pretty sure we can all agree that no woman in a civilized society should be told that her best career option is to become a whore for a living - much less to be forced into it by her government.

I ask again: what in Heaven's name is going on in Germany? Any why do so many American leftists hold these morons out to represent the ideal of a society that we (in "Jesusland") should strive to emulate?



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