The Random Thoughts of Doc J

A collection of random thoughts from a "Red" American in the heart of "Deep Blue" territory. Commentary on national events, as well as the occasional thought regarding the goings-on in the People's Republic, I mean Commonwealth, of Massachusetts.

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Location: Eastern, Massachusetts, United States

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Behold! The "Loyal Opposition"

Cross posted at RedState.

The Iraq War came home yesterday to our tiny little corner of the globe when the news spread, and was finally confirmed, that a recent graduate of our local high school was KIA in Iraq this past week. This hero is the first casualty of open conflict in our town since Vietnam, and while it has not hit the public in noticeable fashion it is known to all who are active in affairs of my Town and beyond.

Below is the commentary from a charter member of the Loyal Opposition, relaying the news to people with whom I happen to share an address on a mailing list (names and other information redacted to protect the innocent and the damned, but otherwise verbatim):

Don't know how many of you are from (Town), but my grandsons have told me something hideous: this insane war , this pea-brained president has executed one more victim of his war-for-lies-and-greed: a (Town) boy.

mr. XXX (I don't know his rank) was one of those 6 American children bombed by the roadside bomb last week. He graduated from (Town) High (a small number of) years ago and lives on (Something) St. My grandson says he saw the military guys go into the home as I took him to . I hope that's not true, but if so, it's even more of a reason NOT to keep our children there any longer.

I haven't seen his death in any of the local papers, but it could be one reason (local Veteran's Agent - a Town employee) wrote that blistering attack on Bush that's in this week's (Local Newspaper).

I tried to send YYY a thank you note, but got this censoring note from Big Brother instead. Do any of you know who'se attached to that action? Not a word of profanity or obscenity in it. But it might be 'inappropriate' in someone's eyes, who was a slavish robot, a peasant before the king whom he worships. We're turning into medeival Europe.

Earlier this morning I sent this thank you note to our Veterans' Agent in (Town). for speaking out against this illegally seated president and his needless war that is killing thousands:

While part of me does NOT understand how Christians can stand for a war based on lies, when we are sacrificing our OWN children (much less the Iraqi thousands).....I must respect anyone who DOES speak out. And that's what you did in this week's (Local Newspaper).

As a mother of a Iraqi Invasion /Occupation vet, Lt. Col. ZZZ, I thank you. Many of our soldiers are beginning to speak out. The organization 'Iraq Veterans Against the War" is encouraging those kids who listened to the Pied Pipers of Death, the recruiters, and believed their lies, to speak out as well.

While the corrupt Bush administration snuck in a way of stealing your children's names and personal data in the "Leave No Child Behind" (as a victim of this war) law, parents are allowed to write their schools and notify them that their child's name is not to be given to the recruiters. Wonder how many know that. A well-kept secret by the mainstream media. And so, the peasants still go out to die for the king, who suffers nothing from a loss and gains untold riches from a victory. Medieval Europe had nothing on us, when superstition is gaining hold, as the federal 'leadership' outlawing stem cell research and encouraging creationism (aka 'intelligent design'). And with a deteriorating public school system, our children are seldom taught analytical skills, so they remain gullible to the lies told them by the Bush junta.. So sad.


Behold! The mindset of the Loyal Opposition.

I will leave it up to you, fair reader, to comment on the particulars: the outrageous condescension, the mind-numbing spewing of Talking Points™ and Known Facts™, the not-so subtle attempts to blame George Bush, personally, for the work of terrorists, the town employee (Veteran's Agent, of all things) using his paid office to electioneer on behalf of the Cindy Sheehan's of the world.

I will however offer the following in response: that Hell cannot be deep enough, dark enough, or painful enough for this woman and those of like mind - people who wrap themselves in the flags which drape the coffins of our hero dead; who desecrate and mock the sacrifice of those living and deceased who are involved with an enterprise for which they have volunteered to fight and die; who are willing to use heroes, even (as is the case with this woman) their own flesh and blood, to further a suicidal, Blame-America-First (whenever there is a Republican in the White House) agenda of surrender and shame.

This woman is no patriot - she is a coward and a traitor.

God help us for the 5th column in our midst.

FTR, and because I'm sure someone will ask, the Town does not censor incoming email. However, all email sent from this woman's domain is assumed to be SPAM and thus rejected at the server level.