The Random Thoughts of Doc J

A collection of random thoughts from a "Red" American in the heart of "Deep Blue" territory. Commentary on national events, as well as the occasional thought regarding the goings-on in the People's Republic, I mean Commonwealth, of Massachusetts.

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Location: Eastern, Massachusetts, United States

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I’ve taken my time in trying to put together my thoughts on the election just ended because I wanted to have the ability to look back at it with some degree of perspective. Having just survived my 20th High School reunion this weekend, I feel I am not sufficiently removed from the actual event to make comment from a place free of the passions of that particular day. Also, I wanted to have the ability to comment on the state of the losing side based on their first reaction – feeling for most of the month leading up to the election that it would be my side that I would be commenting on.

I’m happy to see that the ‘loyal’ opposition has provided plenty of fodder. Still, I expect that my comments will be somewhat brief in light of the fact that I am still rather far from fully recovered from my weekend’s activities (principally from lack of sleep and the fair amount of driving – as I am a very light drinker even under such circumstances and did not deviate from my habits in any way). Also, many people have spoken and written far more eloquently that I could hope to, I doubt there is much I can add to the discussion, and so I hope not to waste much of my or anyone else’s time.

Naturally, I am thrilled with the outcome of the election on the national level and am even more excited by the reaction of the Democrats to the result. Do not allow anyone to fool you – this was a comprehensive victory by George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Securing just shy of 60 million votes and 51% of the vote in this environment is quite a feat, and I could not be prouder of the President and the Party for their performance. At all levels of government, and in all regions of the country (yes, even in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts), President Bush improved significantly on his Election 2000 performance and the Republican Party gained. In some areas, the gains were small and somewhat symbolic (we knocked off the incumbent Democrat Sheriff in Plymouth County, MA and kept all of our GOP legislative incumbents in a year that or state’s “Favorite Son” was at the top of the ticket – hey, in these parts, we have to take what we can get!). However, in most regions of the country, the gains were substantial. Many have spoken on the possible realignment of the political landscape in the US, and while I seem to think that talk is somewhat optimistic, it is somewhat encouraging to think that most of the remainder of my adult life could be spent under GOP majorities.

I will write separately on the behavior of the Democrats as a result of this election, but I will in this space offer the following advice for those on my side – zip your howling screamers! Let the Dems wade deeply into the fever swamp, they clearly do not get it. They have basically told everyone in Middle America (read: RED America) to drop dead. Their condescension is matched only by their closed-mindedness – let them wallow in their loathing of the majority of Americans.

We have too much work to do than to worry about those who think we are idiots simply because we don’t think socialism and secularism are good for the country.

That’s all for now – more later.

Oh, just one. YIPPEE!!!